Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Pembahasan Soal Bahasa Inggris UN Tahun 2003

     A planet is a body in space that revolves around a star. There are nine planets in our
solar system, and these nine planets travel around the sun. The names of the planets are
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
Planets travel in orbits around the stars. All of the planets of the solar system revolve in
elliptical orbits. In other words, their orbits are like large, flat circles. The time that it takes a
planet to make one revolution around the sun is called a year.
     The Greeks were the first people to recognize and give names to some of the planets.
Tile word planet comes from a Greek word meaning wanderer If a person wanders, this means
that he goes from one place to another and does not have a home. The Greeks thought that
planets "wandered" in the sky. However, modern scientists can predict the movement of the
planets very accurately.
1 . What is the suitable title for this text ?
     A . The Stars
     B . The Orbits
     C . The Greeks
     D . The Planets
     E . The Wanderers
Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
What is the suitable title for this text?
Artinya : Apa judul yang tepat untuk wacana ini ?
Wacana 1 terdiri atas tiga paragraf.
- Pikiran utama paragraf 1 adalah, A planet is a body in space that revolves around
a star
- Pikiran utama paragraf 2 adalah, Planets travel in orbit around the star
- Pikiran utama paragraf 3 adalah, The Greek were the first people to recognize and
give names to some of the planets
Setiap paragraf dalam wacana membicarakan mengenai planet, sehingga judul yang tepat
untuk wacana tersebut adalah The Planets.

2 . The planets in our solar system travel ........
     A . around the stars
     B . around the circles
     C . in one movement
     D . from one position to another
     E . in elliptical orbits

Kunci : E
Penyelesaian :
Planet-planet yang berada di dalam sistem matahari kita beredar ..........
Pada paragraph 2 tertulis : All of the planets of the solar system revolve in elliptical
Jawaban yang benar : "The planets in our solar system travel in elliptical orbits. "

3. Nindy : When did you get this cassette?
    Lia : Yesterday. When I ... home, a boy asked me to give it to you.

     A . walk
     B . walked
     C . walking
     D . was walking
     E . has been walking

Kunci : D
Penyelesaian :
Kalimat di atas menunjukkan terdapat dua kejadian yang terjadi pada saat yang
bersamaan, sehingga kita menggunakan bentuk past continuous untuk kejadian yang
pertama (When I was walking) dan bentuk past simple untuk kejadian yang terjadi
kemudian (a boy asked me).

4 . Andi : I didn't see your sister. Where is she?
     Roy : She's studying in Australia.
     Andi : Oh, how long has she been there? Roy
     Roy : ........................................
     A . Last year
     B . A year ago
     C . Since last year
     D . By next year
     E . Yesterday

Kunci : C
Penyelesaian :
Bentuk Present Perfect Tense (How long has she been there) biasanya diikuti oleh "since"
atau "for" untuk menunjukkan berapa lama suatu kejadian/peristiwa telah berlangsung dan
sampai sekarang juga masih berlangsung.

5 . Mawar : This telegram is for my husband.
     He's out on duty.
    What do you recommend me to do?
    Putri : Why don't you ring him and tell him that a telegram's arrived?
    In the dialogue above, Mawar is asking for Putri's ........
     A . advice
     B . curiusity
     C . agreement
     D . permission
     E . information

Kunci : A
Penyelesaian :
Kalimat pertanyaan, "What do you recommend me to do?" menunjukkan bahwa Mawar
meminta saran (advice) dari Putri.

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